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Welcome to Padang & Co.

Click on the individual titles to jump to the resource you need.

Padang & Co 

After joining Padang & Co and getting to know us, you might find yourself tongue-tied when trying to explain the company that you are now part of. It’s not your fault; our business evolves continuously.


Here are a few quick points to help you explain what we do:

The Name


[pah-dahng] • Malay

(n.): A green, open field. 

The “Padang” in our company name symbolises the Open Innovation practices we champion to help organisations come together and innovate. 


It also pays homage to our Singaporean heritage, referencing an important historical landmark in the heart of the civic quarter of Singapore.

The Padang & Co story started with Singapore’s first major public hackathon, UP Singapore, in 2012.  Since then, we have been bringing people and organisations together to solve problems, develop ideas and new solutions.  We create the environments for their creativity and innovation to emerge and flourish.


We are champions for Open Innovation. 


This means we encourage organisations to open up their view to an influx of ideas, perspectives, skills, and solutions from various sources, and leverage them to meet their innovation challenges. 

We drive the future of work and innovation.


We believe that helping large enterprises and governments fulfil their innovation ambitions to drive sustainable growth will have a major impact on this world.


We catalyse innovation in and with these organisations to solve big problems and develop opportunities, in ways that are faster, more agile and cheaper. 


We do this by matching them with tech startups and innovators, leveraging a range of Open Innovation tools and platforms, and building Communities of Interest.

We work with our corporate and governmental partners to drive sustainable growth and create a positive impact on People, Planet, and Prosperity. 
We have identified three verticals and two “horizontals” as our focus areas, because they are where we believe Open Innovation can best drive meaningful solutions. 
These are global challenges that need many organisations and people to collaborate and solve. Driving better outcomes requires experimentation and innovation across geographies and all parts of the supply chain. 
We want to ensure that we contribute positively to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations in 2015, with targets to be achieved by 2030. 
There’s a lot to be done, and time is running out.

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Our Vision 

Accelerate scalable, sustainable innovation, so millions more people in Southeast Asia are nourished, healthy, productive, and economically empowered.

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Our Mission

We enable the world's largest organisations to address Southeast Asia's challenges today and opportunities of tomorrow through internal initiatives and external collaborations with innovative, agile companies.


To catalyse these collaborations, we curate thematic communities that change the way we innovate to drive sustainable growth and impact.

Our Culture

Our culture is a natural product of our mission as a company, and is kept alive every day by value-driven individuals coming together to operate as a team. When we work together, we display:​

  • Championing Sustainable Growth
    We only have one planet, and a growing population has been putting a strain on its scarce resources for decades. The health of the planet and its quality as a viable home for current and future generations is suspect. We are also behind on addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. ‎ If we, as a species, are to survive and thrive, we need to restore the health of the planet. We recognise that to grow sustainably, we cannot keep operating the way we have. Effecting radical change requires radical transformations - going beyond just the environment and driving sustainability in our industries, supply chains, and business models. ‎‎ From collaborations between the largest corporations and government to startups and the individual innovator, sustainability cuts across all of our work. Sure, we use metal straws, but we are obsessed with the big picture - driving change so that we and our future generations can live and work without putting a strain on our planet.
  • Understanding Problems
    The world isn’t perfect. There are plenty of problems (that we know of) that need solving, so we can achieve sustainable growth. That is to say nothing about the problems we don’t know about. Human beings are a gifted species, but we need to recognise and understand problems before we can hope to solve them. ‎ The key to solving seemingly gigantic problems with limited resources is to learn as much about the problems as possible. For example, businesses that understand big problems also understand that they cannot be solved by one organisation alone. They recognise the need to unite against the problems. That’s why we build communities and ecosystems where organisations can come together and combine their strengths to make a meaningful impact. ‎ Knowing the anatomy of a problem is essential to striking decisively at its heart. A poor understanding of problems seldom leads to good solutions.
  • Embracing Change
    We’re not big on clichés, but it’s true: change really is the only constant. Operating in complex ecosystems characterised by rapid changes, businesses must be adaptive to change, or face the threat of disruption. ‎ Change is the main ingredient of innovation. Apart from anticipating or reacting to outside changes, businesses innovate by identifying opportunities to change the way they work and embrace better paradigms. Therefore, flexibility toward change is essential not only for survival, but also for growth. ‎ Our business changes every few months and we rarely have two identical work days. Our ability to be flexible and keep up with constant changes helps us maintain high standards and drive value for our clients. This adaptability is part of the secret behind our repertoire of work and our team’s suite of capabilities. ‎ Change is part of our DNA, and we enjoy it.
  • Celebrating Diversity and Collaboration
    We are not perfect and we are not all the same. That’s a good thing. ‎ Challenges and problems affect each of us differently, which means we develop unique perspectives on their impact, and how we can solve them. Simply put, we learn more from those who are different from us. Respecting and celebrating diversity also helps us practice empathy (but more on that later). ‎ People, and therefore organisations, have different strengths. So when different organisations collaborate, they complement one another’s strengths and become stronger together. This opens up opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds to collaborate and come up with solutions that no one party would be able to. ‎ We celebrate diversity because together, we see a more complete version of the world. We celebrate collaboration because it allows us to help build a better one.
  • Driving Impact
    At the end of the day, we are trying to make the world better. We know this will not happen overnight. We know there’s no magic formula to it either. However, we also know that when we help solve problems, we make an impact. ‎ Economist Milton Friedman once wrote, “The business of business is business.” Thankfully, many businesses have now moved beyond that paradigm and begun using their tremendous influence to invest in the ecosystem (and the world) in which they operate. Businesses can and should come together to solve the major problems facing the planet today. ‎ The pride and joy of our work at Padang & Co is to support such businesses across three high-impact verticals - Food & AgriTech, Smarter Cities, and Healthcare. ‎‎ We enjoy working on projects geared toward empowering people and businesses to solve key problems. This, in turn, motivates each member of the team to make an impact in their own capacity to realise that vision.

Our Team

Here are the people you'll be working with. You can find out more about them here, and get to know them more during our weekly chats.

Onboarding Resources

Click on the individual titles to jump to the resource you need.

Admin & HR

Day 1 Checklist

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Day 1 Setup


Admin: Derrick

Google Calendar
Remind your manager to add your email to the following:

  • Padang & Co Team Calendar

  • Padang & Co Events Calendar

Google Drive

Remind your manager to add you into the main Padang & Co folder to access everything.

Also have the habit to clear old, unused files to optimize your cloud storage capacity. Request from the Creative team for HDD for local backup.


  • Update your email signature

  • Add to email groups


A few addresses to take note:​ (Everyone) (Programme team)

Email Signature

  1. Go to settings in your Gmail Account

  2. Press General tab 

  3. Copy and paste the signature below in the signature box


PADANG & CO | Block 71, Ayer Rajah Crescent, #03-01, Singapore 139951 
M +65 <Insert mobile number> | <Insert email add> | <insert linkedin link>


Trello WIP

  • We use this board to host weekly project recap and tasks

  • Out of Office notices for the week or the following month are also indicated here, to remind others.



Remind your manager to add your email into Slack to access.​

  • Main communication tool for direct and group messages

  • (Optional) Add the Google Calendar and Drive app into Slack to divert notifications there, this help to reduce the amount of system email to your Gmail and also serve as meeting reminder.


BLOCK 71 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #03-01, Singapore 139951

Remind your manager to configure the office door access.



  • ID: #03-01

  • Password: GP@launchpad

Office Printer
​Set-up instructions can be found in this manual.

Company Profile Photo

For full-timers, please contact the Creative team to schedule a company profile photo to be taken. Dress how you want to be professionally represented.

The Delta

Is an online platform supported by our partner, Skipso, to house our services, mainly Open Call.

Please consult Diva for an onboarding on Delta's features and backend walkthrough. From there he will grant admin access to your email account, if you have any responsibilities pertaining to the backend.


  • Championing Sustainable Growth
    We only have one planet, and a growing population has been putting a strain on its scarce resources for decades. The health of the planet and its quality as a viable home for current and future generations is suspect. We are also behind on addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. ‎ If we, as a species, are to survive and thrive, we need to restore the health of the planet. We recognise that to grow sustainably, we cannot keep operating the way we have. Effecting radical change requires radical transformations - going beyond just the environment and driving sustainability in our industries, supply chains, and business models. ‎‎ From collaborations between the largest corporations and government to startups and the individual innovator, sustainability cuts across all of our work. Sure, we use metal straws, but we are obsessed with the big picture - driving change so that we and our future generations can live and work without putting a strain on our planet.
  • Understanding Problems
    The world isn’t perfect. There are plenty of problems (that we know of) that need solving, so we can achieve sustainable growth. That is to say nothing about the problems we don’t know about. Human beings are a gifted species, but we need to recognise and understand problems before we can hope to solve them. ‎ The key to solving seemingly gigantic problems with limited resources is to learn as much about the problems as possible. For example, businesses that understand big problems also understand that they cannot be solved by one organisation alone. They recognise the need to unite against the problems. That’s why we build communities and ecosystems where organisations can come together and combine their strengths to make a meaningful impact. ‎ Knowing the anatomy of a problem is essential to striking decisively at its heart. A poor understanding of problems seldom leads to good solutions.
  • Embracing Change
    We’re not big on clichés, but it’s true: change really is the only constant. Operating in complex ecosystems characterised by rapid changes, businesses must be adaptive to change, or face the threat of disruption. ‎ Change is the main ingredient of innovation. Apart from anticipating or reacting to outside changes, businesses innovate by identifying opportunities to change the way they work and embrace better paradigms. Therefore, flexibility toward change is essential not only for survival, but also for growth. ‎ Our business changes every few months and we rarely have two identical work days. Our ability to be flexible and keep up with constant changes helps us maintain high standards and drive value for our clients. This adaptability is part of the secret behind our repertoire of work and our team’s suite of capabilities. ‎ Change is part of our DNA, and we enjoy it.
  • Celebrating Diversity and Collaboration
    We are not perfect and we are not all the same. That’s a good thing. ‎ Challenges and problems affect each of us differently, which means we develop unique perspectives on their impact, and how we can solve them. Simply put, we learn more from those who are different from us. Respecting and celebrating diversity also helps us practice empathy (but more on that later). ‎ People, and therefore organisations, have different strengths. So when different organisations collaborate, they complement one another’s strengths and become stronger together. This opens up opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds to collaborate and come up with solutions that no one party would be able to. ‎ We celebrate diversity because together, we see a more complete version of the world. We celebrate collaboration because it allows us to help build a better one.
  • Driving Impact
    At the end of the day, we are trying to make the world better. We know this will not happen overnight. We know there’s no magic formula to it either. However, we also know that when we help solve problems, we make an impact. ‎ Economist Milton Friedman once wrote, “The business of business is business.” Thankfully, many businesses have now moved beyond that paradigm and begun using their tremendous influence to invest in the ecosystem (and the world) in which they operate. Businesses can and should come together to solve the major problems facing the planet today. ‎ The pride and joy of our work at Padang & Co is to support such businesses across three high-impact verticals - Food & AgriTech, Smarter Cities, and Healthcare. ‎‎ We enjoy working on projects geared toward empowering people and businesses to solve key problems. This, in turn, motivates each member of the team to make an impact in their own capacity to realise that vision.

9 - 9:30AM - WIP Meeting (In-person/Online)

Weekly updates on all projects and news

Ensure your updates are up before the meeting on Trello


9 - 9:30AM - Celebration of Week's Wins (Online)

Wins of the Week Tracker

Sharing session of your weekly highlights, non-work related conversation is alright too.

Admin & HR

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Filled this new employee onboarding form and submit back to your manager or Derrick.‎

Talenox (Only for full-time employees)

We've created an account for you on Talenox HR where you will be able to access your payslips and apply for leave, including medical and hospitalisation leave. Please log in and update your profile information and particulars. 

If you have not been invited, contact Derrick.‎

Annual Leaves

If you are taking leave:

  1. Update on Trello for that week or month in advance

  2. Indicate on the Padang & Co Team Calendar

  3. Apply for leave in Talenox

For Interns

If you need to make claims or take leaves, let your supervisor know.

Staff Benefits (Only for confirmed full-time employees)

Per calendar year​

Current standard contractual entitlements

  • $300 towards medical outpatient expenses

  • $200 towards dental - 85% of the expense

TIP: Instead of outpatient and dental, you can use that once annually towards insurance.

Other allowances


  • $700 towards a newly purchased computer (new or refurbished) (once every 3 years)

  • $500* towards learning and development
    *Plus up to 3 days off for the course


Leave / Off

  • 15 days annual leave (carry forward no more than 5 days till 31 March)

  • 14 days sick leave (additional 46 days if hospitalised)

  • 5 days compassionate leave (after 1 year)

  • Childcare leave as per MOM

  • Maternity / Paternity leave as per MOM

  • Off in lieu - must be used in the current calendar year

  • 1 volunteer day - for own volunteer work

  • Company closure on the last week of the year  (25th Dec - 1st Jan). Your annual leave is used for this OR Use your ‘off in lieu’, otherwise it will be gone!


Flexible working

  •  Case by case basis


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LinkedIn Banner

We’ve created a generic SDG LinkedIn Banner for the Padang team. We encourage you to write a post on 3 SDGs* that you want to engage in. This will get your followers to think and talk about SDGs although our target audience priority is corporates. 


*Please align your SDGs with Padang’s pillar.

Padang's Profile

Personal Profile

Videocall Background

We’ve created backgrounds for the Padang team. We encourage you to use this background during a video call with the company.

For backgrounds customised for programme, they will be found in their respective Running order nearing to the virtual events.


Padang's Brand Assets

This link contains Padang's logo, brand colours, primary font and guides on how to use them.

If you unsure of the usage, feel free to approach the Creative Team directly.

PW: padangl3

Subscription Logins

Please note all subscriptions on this sheet, and add/update the records if you make any changes.

The main account to take note is (pw in the link). This is used for most paid subscription login.

Presentation Template

We have prepare a Google slide template to give you a visual head start for any document you create.

Please do not convert this to powerpoint, keynote or other platforms. The current deck is designed solely for Google Slides. Converting would result in loss of fonts, format changes, etc.

You are not too familar with presentation's best practices, consult the Creative Team before (tutorial) and after (layout clean-up) drafting your decks!

Photo Library

We have tons of photos from multiple events in the photo library. 

Google Photos (Compressed):


PW: padangl3

Dropbox (High-res quality):


PW: P@d@ng&Co117439

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